Help Save Cats and Kittens Lives - Become a partner or supporter of a Melbourne Rescue

Would you like to support us?

Are you looking to give back to your community?

BFFR Partners & Supporters

Are you a compassionate and responsible business or corporation who is wanting to give back to your community and help support the voiceless and vulnerable? 

We do our best to rise above any challenge and go above and beyond to give those in our care life-changing medical help. Through love and dedication, we support all of our animals to blossom giving them a second chance at living their best life. 

There are many ways to become a partner or supporter of Beary Fuzzy Forever Rescue. We encourage you, no matter your business size to reach out to us. You will make a difference in the lives of these homeless animals.

Ways You Can Partner or Support Us!

Sponsor us with our fundraising


As a business or corporation, you can donate a generous amount to our cause, for our animals. You can encourage your staff to participate as well and help find ways to raise funds. You can let your customers know by adding a money collection tin to your counter if you are a retailer. 

Support our rescue through corporate donations and time

Corporate Donation Programs

This program involves donating your products to us on a regular basis. We are always in need of food, cat litter, flea products, toys, beds, and blankets for the animals in care. As well as needing products for successful fundraising events such as giveaways, raffles, and auctions.

Sponsor our events

Event Sponsorship

When we hold events, you can sponsor us with a sizeable donation. We will advertise and display your business/companies logo as our sponsor on all of the marketing material we make for such an event. This is a great way to show your local community your support for our mission.

Support our cat rescue through cause related marketing

Cause-Related Marketing

In this method of partnering, your company or business would donate a portion of every sale you make from your customers, in return, we would advertise and market your company to our followers and supporters. 

Helps us to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home

We Cant Save Lives
Without Your Help!